Help a child reach 5

I worked with Sapient Singapore and its client, Unilever, as the senior writer on an initiative to encourage and promote healthy hand washing habits in India. Each year, over 2 million children under the age of 5 die from the effects of diarrhoea. The initiative, sponsored by Unilever’s Lifebuoy Soap brand, used social media, website and a Youtube channel to help increase awareness and educate people about the importance of hand washing with soap. A village in India was chosen and 5 children from the village selected. The children’s 5th birthdays were celebrated via social media and the Youtube channel by people around the world who pledged their support via Facebook. An inspirational video and regular updates also appeared on the Youtube channel in the lead up to the birthday celebrations. Donations to Unilever’s global partner, Population Service International, could also be made to help support further programmes and the teaching of healthy hygiene practices in underprivileged areas around the world.




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